Support us!
Your support allows us to remain independent and to continue working on the toughest genres — investigations, reports, and documentary films. Help us tell you the important stories!

Why Do We Need Your Support?

Despite the fact that Russia is such a huge country, there are almost no independent media outlets remaining. Over the last 20 years the government has done an excellent job of silencing those who tell the truth about its officials. The truth about their palaces, their constant lies, and the wars they are waging which have already claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

IStories is a media outlet founded by Russia’s top investigative journalists. We reject censorship and news which denies people the right to think for themselves. We believe that the main function of journalism is to uncover the truth about what is happening in the country and hold those in power to account.

It is for this reason that IStories is registered as a non-profit organisation. We do not have an owner, so there is nobody to dictate their terms to us. We run on donations.

You can also become a donor by making a one-time or monthly donation.

We want to depend on you alone, on the people who want to know the truth, the people who are not afraid of being free.

How Will We Spend Your Money?

Your money will go towards editorial expenses: journalists’ salaries; remuneration for freelancers, illustrators, and designers; and the production of video material.

We value any and all donations. If you make a monthly donation, it will allow us to focus on long-term projects, prepare a budget for a longer period of time and generally be more effective.

Investigations are complex and require many months of work: the analysis of large amounts of data, research trips, filing requests to see state and private records.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the donation amounts shown in dollars?

Like Russia’s other independent media outlets, IStories has been forced to work in exile. A criminal case was opened in Russia against our main editor Roman Anin for his investigation into Igor Sechin’s luxury yacht.

Every IStories author is actively risking a lengthy jail sentence for publishing reports about the war and corruption among Russian officials. For security reasons we needed to register a legal entity abroad.

Can I support you from within Russia?

We are not currently accepting donations from within Russia. This is primarily to ensure the safety of the donors themselves.

Is it safe to enter my card number?

Yes. Firstly, our website uses HTTPS, which encrypts activity.

Secondly, making a donation is no more dangerous than buying something from the internet or ordering a taxi through an app.

If you would prefer not to use your credit or debit card, the transaction can be made using Google Pay or Apple Pay.

How do I change the donation amount or the date of payment?

Please write to us at

How do I change my card details?

You need to cancel the payment from your old card and make a new one. To cancel your payment please write to us at